Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday, March 13

What a stormy morning!  Today we worked on our writing and picture of our Star of the Week.  Students continued to work on their stories from yesterday.  Some students have finished the stories but many are not.  We will continue this work next week.  Students also had a rescheduled music period due to the Calgary Opera presentation with Mme. Zdrill today.
Please continue to check your e-mail and monitor Alberta Health for the most current information on the coronavirus.
COVID-19 updated information from Alberta Health Services:

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thursday, March 12

This morning we spent a significant amount of time writing a story.  We've not written many stories and students worked hard to use the give visuals and vocabulary to help construct their stories.  Students then joined AJ and M. Trevor for their dance lesson.
After lunch, students logged into their IRIS accounts' and typed out their 2 reading strategies.  They have chosen these strategies from a list and are ones they feel they need to work on.  As they finished, students read their Guided Reading books to a friend.  After this, there was about 25 minutes of school left and students did puzzles with friends.

Reminder about our Sound Kreations 6:30 - 7:00 pm Showcase
Hello families with students in Room 5, Room 8, Room 14, Room 20, Room 21, PT2, and PT3,